Iowa Test

Iowa Test of Basic Skills

Thursday, April 11th AND Friday, April 12th 2024

The Iowa Test of Basic Skills is offered free to Summit's 1st-8th graders. Students taking the ITBS through Summit must take the test for their current Summit grade level.

All students wanting to take the test must register here. Registration closes on Friday, February 9th at 3:30pm.

1st & 2nd Graders:  The ITBS is administered to 1st and 2nd graders at home under the guidance of a parent. Summit will order the materials needed for parents to administer the test. 

  • Parents will pickup testing materials at Summit the week prior to testing.

  • Parents MUST return materials to Summit by 3:30pm on April 16th.

  • Summit will submit tests for processing.

  • Parents will receive results in early summer.

3rd-8th Graders: The ITBS will be administered to 3rd-8th graders on Thursday, April 11th and Friday, April 12th at Summit by Summit staff. 


Testing Day Details

Drop Off: On Thursday and Friday 3rd-8th graders should arrive and be dropped off as normal, between the buildings, between 8:15-8:30. Students should have a good breakfast and arrive well-rested. They will be directed to their testing classroom upon arrival. The first test begins at 8:45. 

No students will be allowed to begin testing after 8:45.

Tests are completed over the course of two days (Thursday, April 11th AND Friday, April 12th). Students will have snack breaks throughout both days (not a formal lunch). Remember to send students to school with non-messy snacks and a water bottle.​

Please Bring: Please have students bring the following with them each testing day:

  • Sharpened #2 pencils

  • Water bottle

  • A few non-messy snacks

  • Book to read when finished - no electronics


Pick-Up: Parents should arrive to pick up their students at the following times:

  • 3rd Grade: Testing is scheduled to end between 12:50 and 1:00, please be at the school no later than 1:00.

  • 4th-8th Grades: Testing is scheduled to end between 12:15 and 12:30, please be at the school no later than 12:30. 

See detailed schedule here.​

Students can be picked up at the playground unless there is inclement weather. Students MUST check out with their testing teacher before they leave.

In the case of inclement weather students can be picked in the gym where they will be supervised by teachers until parents arrive. Please PARK between the buildings toward the east end and walk to the gym to pick up your students.  

Students MUST check out with their testing teacher before leaving.