
A pink stamp-like sticker that reads 'FUNDRAISING' on a white background.

The Summit Academy has several ongoing fundraisers.  All money raised through these fundraisers goes to the Student Activity Account, which is used for student parties, yearbooks, After Prom, the spring dance, student awards, etc.

Help keep activity fees low by participating in these easy, free fundraising efforts!

A logo for King Scoopers, an ice cream company.

King Soopers has changed their Community Rewards Program. Please click on the below link to learn more. 

If you sign up, "Any transactions moving forward using the Shopper’s Card number associated with your digital account will be applied to the program, at no added cost to you. King Soopers donates annually to participating organizations based on your percentage of spending as it relates to the total spending associated with all participating King Soopers Community Rewards organizations."

A donation button for a charity box tops education program.

Box Tops is digital now as well. Please go here to learn more:

A collection of milk caps and cheese, with a focus on Moola brand.

Longmont Dairy Lids: If you get milk or other products from Longmont Dairy, rinse and save your milk caps and drop them in the box in the Summit office. Summit gets 5 cents for every milk cap.