Open Lunch
9th - 12th Grade Open Lunch
Students in grades 9-12 may participate in open lunch. Students will be dismissed after third period, and must return in time for their fourth period class. Please note that adult supervision IS NOT provided. The only form of transportation allowed is walking. No student will be allowed to drive/ride in a car when participating in open lunch. Students are allowed to walk to the Shops at Walnut Creek located north of the school. Restaurants/shops in the area include, but are not limited to, Panera, Qboda, Target, and Starbucks.
To participate in open lunch the following rules must be observed:
A permission form signed by both by student and parent must be returned to Summit before being allowed to participate.
Students must maintain a grade of at least C in Summit and college classes.
Students must walk to nearby restaurants/stores. Students are not allowed to drive or ride in another student’s or a parent’s car to participate in open lunch.
Students must maintain standards of behavior according to Summit policies, the Jeffco Family Handbook and rules set forth to enjoy this privilege. Failure to do all three will result in this privilege being revoked.
Students must represent The Summit Academy and its students in an appropriate manner; appropriate level of noise, cleaning up and tipping when appropriate, etc.